Friday, December 21, 2007

Christmas Heron

Originally uploaded by cageyj
I spied this clever Christmas Heron nesting with it's family on one of the window ledges of the Dewitt-Seitz building in the Canal Park area of Duluth. Look closely and you can see a brood of herons in the nest.

Clever use of drift wood! The foggy, cloudy days need this bright spot.

Originally uploaded by cageyj
Around the corner a snowman and reindeer occupy another window.

Merry Christmas

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Western Lake

Bushwhack to Western lake

In the 1970's and 80's my bothers and I made a number of canoe trips into Western Lake (N 47° 58' and W 92° 10'). This lake lies in that isolated portion of the BWCAW near Trout Lake. We had some of the best Walleye fishing ever on Western.

We portaged the mile from Cummings Lake to Buck Lake and then into Western. Recently my brother and his son tried to portage into Western via the southern route (Lunetta - Schlam - Glenmore), but found too many windfalls across the portages.

This brother and I contemplate making another trip into Western Lake. This time not by canoe, but bushwhacking using GPS units from the end of the Wolf Lake Road. I estimate the hike would be 15 to 20 miles. Aerial photographs show the traces of old logging roads. I am uncertain when these satellite photos where taken. However, Google says the images are between 1 and 3 years old.

Logging activity ceased in this old Portal Area of the BWCA in the 1970's, but I hope enough of the roads remain to provide a path to hike in. Even if new growth has chocked the roads, still I hope they follow higher ground a avoid large swamps and impassible areas.

We plan to make the trek during the first part of May. At this time the snow is gone, the foliage has not yet leafed out, and the bugs have not yet appeared.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas Present

Originally uploaded by cageyj
The snow came early this season. Unlike past years, Northeastern Minnesota has wonderful skiing.

The Magney-Snively Trail located just on the hill above Duluth called.

Notice the wonderful set of Christmas Colored ski poles! I broke an identical set last year.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Patio in Winter

DECC Patio in Winter
Originally uploaded by cageyj

December 4 and a bad time to spend time on the deck or patio. A heavy snow has spread 'snot' on the streets and avenues of Duluth. This overlay of slipperiness challenges even positraction and four wheel drive.

In winter you should be careful where you park. Sometimes you must scrap off your car; sometime just drive away.

Duluth Parking Ramp

Originally uploaded by cageyj


Originally uploaded by cageyj
We have torn up the entire living area and camped in the basement. I have spent too much time remodeling and too little with photography. To re-establish some balance I have decided to upload at least two new pictures a week this blog: one by Thursday of each week and another by Sunday.

The second picture indicates that we have made progress. October 002a