Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Kelso Mountain

"Sweet William, Mary Hansen muses in Sawbill: History and Tales, "sometimes the only remnant of an old homestead."

I neared the summit of Kelso Mountain and encountered a rock outcrop with a large splash of Sweet William. This old fire tower site contain other reminders of human habitation: a bear-clawed outhouse, deteriorating cans, an oil barrel mostly hidden in the brush. Probably, the brush leafed out with summer foliage hid even more from my view. Many scraps of civilization this in Canoe Wilderness, but none so beautiful as the flowers. Luckily I visited the site during the blooming season of Sweet Williams.
Rangers burnt the Lookout Tender's cabin to aid return to wilderness but after 50 years the flowers continue to bloom.

During a quiet time sitting among the flowers, I imagined the summer life of Vivian Johnson, who by day watched for smoke from the tower, and by night slept in the small cabin at its foot.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Pot Bellied Stallions

Like a tune you can't stop humming, some phrases you just keep remembering. You like the creativity, the play on words, the outrageous image it paints in your imagination. In addition it may summarize a current battle in your life.

Among such a 'signs to remember' I add that announcing a street dance on First Street in Duluth this evening: "First Street Street Dance featuring the Pot Bellied Stallions". Delightful name "the Pot Bellied Stallions." Googling the internet brings up their web site.

Rumor has it the gentlemen will play shirtless! Not to be missed gals .... (Really? No, just my imagination playing with their title!!!)

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Highway Memorial

I present another in the series of curious roadside attractions.

A road trip through the Superior National Forest brought me to this unusual roadside memorial. I found it along Forest Highway 7.

The 'memorial' stands close by an abandoned tavern and other building. near Slate Lake. The 'memorial' consists of an authentic old outhouse with a couple of stuffed dummies. She has a beautiful large glove and a yellow hat. He sports blaze orange socks. The old Christmas Wreaths add a festive, creative touch.

Winter in July

I found myself in Winter, MN on the Fourth of July.

Googling "Winter, MN" will show you its real and point to it on a map.

My GPS unit alerted me of Winter's approach as I barreled down the Stoney River Road in the Superior National Forest. The Stoney River Road lies atop the old DM and IR right-of-way to Forest Center.

Nothing seems to remain of Winter. My gps unit pinpointed the location of Winter between two banks where the old right-of-way cut through a small hill.

A few miles down the road, in Whyte I discovered a large bog filled with wild Iris "Blue Flag Iris" "iris versicolor".
The flowers grew as far as the eye could see. It is impossible to capture that picture in a photograph.