Thursday, January 31, 2008

Arctic Bites Warm Weather

IMG_2305-1This week, on Tuesday, January 29 we experienced a huge temperature drops. We enjoyed 30's and 40's in the afternoon and -10's to -20's that night. The weather service described that an arctic air mass would take a huge bite out of the warm air mass poised over us.

I am dreaming of the summer scene in the first photo.IMG_0941-1

Preceding the low temperatures came moisture. The rain coated the crusty snow, roads, sidewalks. It did not, however, coat the car windshields or decks?

On Wednesday  after enduring a night of -20,my car failed to start for the second time this winter. I waited until later in the day. When the temperature warmed ( to -7) I connected my battery to the Buick via jumper cables and leaned on the starter until the engine caught. (I probably ground another year off the starter).

To assure my car started this morning (although the temperature dropped only to -11, I got up at 2:am and drove around the block to warm it up.

As the wind chill lessens and the temperature warms I can again brave Pine Valley and its cross country ski trails.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Mothball Sunday

Mothball Sunday fell in Epiphany-tide this year. At least, it might have fallen last Sunday here in Cloquet, Minnesota.

Mothball Sunday is a moveable feast. It might be celebrated in Advent, during December. This special Sunday might add to the Twelve Days of Christmas. Most likely it will fall during the season of Epiphany. Rarely do we celebrate this Sunday during Lent. Some few years, we do not have this Sunday at all.

The date of celebration varied from year to year and even place to place. I doubt the Bible Belt ever experienced this Sunday in their churches.

You  will not find Mothball Sunday determined by the Solar Calendar like Christmas. We don't calculate its place in our lives according to the Lunar Calendar like Easter. Meteorology governs the date of Mothball Sunday.

I considered it a big feast in the 1950's.  On this Sunday a different incense wafted through the congregation. This feast, however, has slipped from our awareness and consciousness.

IMG_0369I noticed, when I was young, that Mothball Sunday fell after the first large sub-zero, arctic blast when the temperature plunged to -20 or -25 or even -30 or more.

People would get out their rarely-used, really heavy, warm winter garments. When I was young these garments were very often made of wool. Taken from storage, they smelled of the mothballs used to protect them from the insects that feasted on wool. Church on Mothball Sunday smelled of mothballs. By the next week, if folks still needed these really warm clothes the smell disappeared as the heavy coat, wool pants or sweater aired.

For some years, I served as an altar boy. As we moved from one kneeling person to another at communion time, I would catch the whiff of  Mothballs. Mostly the old people smelled (who who were then the age that I am now.) I thought of these woolen garments as quaint and old fashioned like the people who wore them.

People who were then the age I am now: Yes! I have my favorite cherished woolen garment. The 'long pants' I pack when outfitting  myself for a canoe trip. Long pants is that garment warn on a cold, windy, damp day. I wear long pants when the evening chill has replaced the warm day and mosquitoes swam. I wear old army surplus woolen dress pants. Wood sheds water, seems warm even when wet, dries quicker than blue jeans, fends off the wind - especially when they have not been washed for a couple of seasons. When properly 'seasoned' - unwashed -  a pair of woolen pants seems to keep mosquitoes at bay.

I know people on the trail smile at the old-fashioned quaintness of my outdoor gear. However, I don't smell - of mothballs at least.

New  synthetic winter fabrics and hi-tech textiles and  have driven most wool from our wardrobes, so Mothball Sunday has disappeared. Maybe folks today are more conscious of how they smell, and air out their clothes (10 minutes in the clothes drier) before they wear them. After all, when I was 8 we only bathed once a week. We usually bathed on Saturday before going to church. (Until a teenager, I though the maxim "cleanliness is next to Godliness" referred  to the Saturday Evening bath before we when to Church on Sunday.

Last Sunday should have been Mothball Sunday in Church, but the air smelled clean like Irish Spring or Life Boy.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Winter Morning Sunrise

Originally uploaded by cageyj
I snowshoed for a time on the golf course near my house for an hour this evening. A quarter moon filtered light through thin clouds and the light from town reflected off this same cloud filter.

Combined I had just enough light to see where I must tread carefully but not enough clearly see the contours of the trails. I avoided trails and walked atop the hard crusted snow. In night snowshoe-light, daylight trails ambush a walker.

Turning southeast toward home, the light wind blew the 18 degree air enough to cause my eyes to water. I drew my parka close and pull my hat closer to my head.

Certainly this was a beautiful night.

Snowman with sunken eyes.

Originally uploaded by cageyj
Frigid weather threatens!

For Friday and Saturday night the weather service predicts about 25 below Fahrenheit. People wonder if Lake Superior will experience a a total freeze. The lake freezes over completely about every 20 years.
In the last years the Lake reached these milestones:
2003 90 percent
1996 96 percent
1994 95 percent
1979 100 percent.

As more of the lake surface freezes, we have less lake effect snow along its shores.

Originally uploaded by cageyj

This morning I replace the covers on our baseboard hot water radiators. The exposed heating pipes caused a system imbalance which funneled heat into the with the uncovered piped away from the controlling thermostat. Another result of our remodeling. I think I have the system back in balance before the real cold weather.

Certainly the snowman appreciates the cold He may keep his eyes a bit longer.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Wild Back Yard

Originally uploaded by cageyj
I decided on a tentative date for retirement this week - March 1 2009. My 65th birthday falls this year on February 22. I will reach 66 - the Social Security retirement age in 2009. I signed up for Medicare, Part A, this week.

I mentioned the date to my boss (unofficially, of course) to help as he contemplate budgets and staffing levels over the next months. The time could be advanced if I found something interesting to do part time.

These decisions and activities move me from considering retirement as an abstract concept to something that will really happen.

This 'wild forest' stands in the lot right next to my yard. I captured this photo during a warm day of our January thaw.

Friday, January 04, 2008

January Thaw

January Thaw
Originally uploaded by cageyj
We will move from a cold week to a warm weekend with melting snow.

I could rejoice, however, the melt might wreak the cross country skiing.

Winter passes much better when you can engage in good winter sports.