Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Snowman with sunken eyes.

Originally uploaded by cageyj
Frigid weather threatens!

For Friday and Saturday night the weather service predicts about 25 below Fahrenheit. People wonder if Lake Superior will experience a a total freeze. The lake freezes over completely about every 20 years.
In the last years the Lake reached these milestones:
2003 90 percent
1996 96 percent
1994 95 percent
1979 100 percent.

As more of the lake surface freezes, we have less lake effect snow along its shores.

Originally uploaded by cageyj

This morning I replace the covers on our baseboard hot water radiators. The exposed heating pipes caused a system imbalance which funneled heat into the with the uncovered piped away from the controlling thermostat. Another result of our remodeling. I think I have the system back in balance before the real cold weather.

Certainly the snowman appreciates the cold He may keep his eyes a bit longer.