Monday, May 21, 2007

Wildflower Photography

Blue Marsh Violet
Originally uploaded by Ken Jackson.
I will spend the season taking pictures of wildflowers.
My new Macro lense (Canon EF-S 60mm f/2.8 Macro USM) captures nice close up photographs.

When trying to identify the flowers I realize that I must take pictures of the whole plant, in addition to the flower. Often the plant is needed to positively identify the flower. I will also try to have my GPS unit available to locate the flower.

I purchased a 1976 edition of Wildflower and Weeds by Courtenay, Booth and Zimmerman. My current copy got wet on a canoe trip. I also purchased a copy of Peterson field Guide to Wildflowers. Even with the two books I am unsure of some identification. I hope to identify the flower at the same time I take the photograph.