Friday, May 11, 2007

A Teenager's Bedroom

Originally uploaded by cageyj.
I firmly believe a young man should learn to pick up his yard as well as as women.

Hiking in the deep north woods this past weekend, I passed a number of properties which looked like the inside of many a teenagers bedroom: junk and disorder.

On one piece of property a red tailgate with a sticker reading, "This is not an abandoned car!" caught my eye. The vehicle was gone without it's tailgate. However, much else in the area appeared abandoned. I hiked by to see a few abandoned, crude wood buildings, an abandoned truck, an odd machine, piles of rotted lumber and, in the distance, an uninhabitable mobile home.


I suggest we institute some changes. In addition to a good credit rating and a clear title for purchasing real estate, a Certificate of Regular Cleaning should be required. Certification might include a tour of the local recycling center with free coupons issued for the first 100 pounds of junk.

Bottled water containers proudly proclaim, "ME-HI 5¢ CA CRV". In Michigan and Hawaii you get 5 cents. California thought ahead. The California Refund Value, CRV, can increase from time to time. Pick up a few beside the road for a 'free' cup of coffee.

Let's pass a law replacing the car dealer's name on the back of our automobiles with "MN $250".

While waiting for nagging to work, you can close your teenagers door. Closing a door doesn't work outside.