Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Breath of Lake Superior

Lake Superior
Originally uploaded by cageyj.
I love Lake Superior!

Lake Superior embraced me in my garden last Saturday. Her breath, that 10,000 year-old echo of the great ice sheet, suddenly touched me at my digging.

After a few warm spring days high pressure and the east wind drove cold temperatures deep inland from the lake.
Spring Tulip
Originally uploaded by cageyj.
The temperature dropped to freezing during the night and barely surpassed 40º during the day. Snow fell. Folks layered on more clothing. Plants paused in their growing. City Hall, where I worked, turned on heat today after a cold day yesterday.

Right now it is colder by the lake 46º and warm at home 66º.

A refrigerator kept at 46º prevents stuff from rotting, turning green or wrinkling. Will this cuddling with Lake Superior keep younger?