Friday, January 16, 2009

A Winter Blast

Finally, after a week this cold weather is warming; the wind-chills are decreasing.
This frigid artic air swept in clean and clear. I made a couple photographs of the Aerial Lift Bridge yesterday and noticed how crisp distant objects seemed. We have the coldest weather in five years.

Jan 13
Intl Falls
The weather people give this history of the cold air mass which now covers us: “This air mass has a history of temperatures of -62 in Oimyakon, Siberia, and reading near -60 in Alaska. Higher sun angles modify arctic air masses slightly as the move southward so we usually don't get the full brunt of the arctic blast.

My photographs show broken harbor ice. The Coast Guard has broken the ice in anticipation. We still expect two ships before this season ends and the Lake and harbor freeze. The Duluth News Tribune reports, “The Edwin H. Gott and the Edgar B. Speer were expected, but ice has slowed them down. They are through the Soo Locks and should be out on Lake Superior by now.”

When they arrive, winter will be official.